Whois ( “who owns a domain?”)
Whois ( “who owns a domain?”)
Whois is a query and response protocol that’s used for querying databases that store the registered users or assignees of an Internet resource, like a domain name, an IP address block or an autonomous system, etc.
Whois (pronounced as the phrase “who is”)As its names suggest, Whois is a widely used Internet record listing that identifies who owns a domain and how to get in contact with them. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) regulates domain name registration and ownership.
- About whois.
- Features.
- Whois lookups.
- Whois record.
- Whois protocol.
- Whois client output.
About Whois
Whois is an Internet service and protocol that searches and displays information about a domain name from repositories of domain name registrars worldwide.
Whois service is a free Internet service that enables a user to search a specific domain name’s availability and, in the case that it’s registered, the assigned entity/person to whom it is registered. Whois was first conceived in 1982 as an enhancement to the Nickname protocol that was developed by ARPANET.
Information stored in the WHOIS database may or may not be published, based on the user’s settings. The registry also controls which fields are displayed.
- Identify and search for a specific domain name.
- Provides administrative information such as registrar and contact information for the individual or organization that controls the domain.
- Supports searching IP addresses and propriety intranet systems.
- essential resource for maintaining the integrity of the domain name registration and website ownership process.
- Extremely useful.
WHOIS Lookups
Some insights:
Whois Record
It is a record that contains all the basic information associated with the person, group, or company that registers a particular domain name.
Whois record will contain information such as the name and contact information of the Registrant (who owns the domain), the name and contact information of the registrar Registrar (the organization or commercial entity that registered the domain name), the registration dates, the name servers, the most recent update, and the expiration date. Whois records may also provide the administrative and technical contact information (which is often, but not always, the registrant).
WHOIS Protocol
whois.afrinic.net Africa
whois.apnic.net Asia Pacific, India, China and Australia
whois.arin.net US and Canada
whois.lacnic.net Mexico and Latin America
whois.ripe.net Europe, Greenland, Russian and the Middle East
whoIs client output
Provides name(s) and phone number(s), physical address and DNS servers, which can be interrogated.